分类: Artisan 命令
添加外键约束时报错: SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1452 Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails
1、添加外键约束时报错: SQLSTATE[23000]: Inte...
执行命令:php artisan larabbs:calculate-active-user 时,报错:Class ‘Redis’ not found
1、执行命令:php artisan larabbs:calcula...
执行命令:sail artisan migrate 时,报错:In Filesystem.php line 207: chmod(): Operation not permitted
1、执行命令:sail artisan migrate 时,报错:c...
Laravel 8.x 部署至 Heroku,执行数据库数据填充时,报错:Class “Faker\Factory” not found
1、Laravel 8.x 部署至 Heroku,执行数据库数据填充...
在 Windows 10 中执行命令行,报错:Call to undefined function App\Console\Commands\posix_getpid()
1、在 Windows 10 中执行命令行,报错:Call to u...