1、现在的域名是:https://learn-php-app-0605-prod.shuijingwanwq.com 。计划切换为:https://learn-php-app-0605-prod.wangqiang.store 。如图1
2、添加 learn-php-app-0605-prod.wangqiang.store 的 DNS 解析。如图2
3、基于 OneinStack 删除之前的虚拟主机:learn-php-app-0605-prod.shuijingwanwq.com ,目录不应该删除。
[root@iZ23wv7v5ggZ ~]# ~/oneinstack/vhost.sh --del ####################################################################### # OneinStack for CentOS/RedHat 7+ Debian 9+ and Ubuntu 16+ # # For more information please visit https://oneinstack.com # ####################################################################### Virtualhost list: learn-php-app-0605-prod.shuijingwanwq.com www.shuijingwanwq.com Please input a domain you want to delete: learn-php-app-0605-prod.shuijingwanwq.com Do you want to delete Virtul Host directory? [y/n]: n Domain: learn-php-app-0605-prod.shuijingwanwq.com has been deleted.
4、基于 OneinStack 添加新的虚拟主机:learn-php-app-0605-prod.wangqiang.store,目录仍然沿用之前的虚拟主机的目录:/data/wwwroot/learn-php-app-0605-prod.shuijingwanwq.com
[root@iZ23wv7v5ggZ ~]# ~/oneinstack/vhost.sh ####################################################################### # OneinStack for CentOS/RedHat 7+ Debian 9+ and Ubuntu 16+ # # For more information please visit https://oneinstack.com # ####################################################################### What Are You Doing? 1. Use HTTP Only 2. Use your own SSL Certificate and Key 3. Use Let's Encrypt to Create SSL Certificate and Key q. Exit Please input the correct option: 3 Please input domain(example: www.example.com): learn-php-app-0605-prod.wangqiang.store domain=learn-php-app-0605-prod.wangqiang.store Please input the directory for the domain:learn-php-app-0605-prod.wangqiang.store : (Default directory: /data/wwwroot/learn-php-app-0605-prod.wangqiang.store): /data/wwwroot/learn-php-app-0605-prod.shuijingwanwq.com Create Virtul Host directory...... set permissions of Virtual Host directory...... Do you want to add more domain name? [y/n]: n Do you want to redirect all HTTP requests to HTTPS? [y/n]: y Please select domain cert key length. Enter one of 2048, 3072, 4096, 8192 will issue a RSA cert. Enter one of ec-256, ec-384, ec-521 will issue a ECC cert. Please enter your cert key length (default 2048): [Thu Jun 15 05:07:11 PM CST 2023] Using CA: https://acme.zerossl.com/v2/DV90 [Thu Jun 15 05:07:11 PM CST 2023] Creating domain key [Thu Jun 15 05:07:11 PM CST 2023] The domain key is here: /root/.acme.sh/learn-php-app-0605-prod.wangqiang.store/learn-php-app-0605-prod.wangqiang.store.key [Thu Jun 15 05:07:11 PM CST 2023] Single domain='learn-php-app-0605-prod.wangqiang.store' [Thu Jun 15 05:07:11 PM CST 2023] Getting domain auth token for each domain [Thu Jun 15 05:07:17 PM CST 2023] Getting webroot for domain='learn-php-app-0605-prod.wangqiang.store' [Thu Jun 15 05:07:17 PM CST 2023] Verifying: learn-php-app-0605-prod.wangqiang.store [Thu Jun 15 05:07:19 PM CST 2023] Processing, The CA is processing your order, please just wait. (1/30) [Thu Jun 15 05:07:23 PM CST 2023] Success [Thu Jun 15 05:07:23 PM CST 2023] Verify finished, start to sign. [Thu Jun 15 05:07:23 PM CST 2023] Lets finalize the order. [Thu Jun 15 05:07:23 PM CST 2023] Le_OrderFinalize='https://acme.zerossl.com/v2/DV90/order/HvpQ_zj63S9ys7pI8RtvAw/finalize' [Thu Jun 15 05:07:25 PM CST 2023] Order status is processing, lets sleep and retry. [Thu Jun 15 05:07:25 PM CST 2023] Retry after: 15 [Thu Jun 15 05:07:41 PM CST 2023] Polling order status: https://acme.zerossl.com/v2/DV90/order/HvpQ_zj63S9ys7pI8RtvAw [Thu Jun 15 05:07:42 PM CST 2023] Downloading cert. [Thu Jun 15 05:07:42 PM CST 2023] Le_LinkCert='https://acme.zerossl.com/v2/DV90/cert/34xe1tRFLIZFO436TLz-7Q' [Thu Jun 15 05:07:44 PM CST 2023] Cert success. -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- ********************************** -----END CERTIFICATE----- [Thu Jun 15 05:07:44 PM CST 2023] Your cert is in: /root/.acme.sh/learn-php-app-0605-prod.wangqiang.store/learn-php-app-0605-prod.wangqiang.store.cer [Thu Jun 15 05:07:44 PM CST 2023] Your cert key is in: /root/.acme.sh/learn-php-app-0605-prod.wangqiang.store/learn-php-app-0605-prod.wangqiang.store.key [Thu Jun 15 05:07:44 PM CST 2023] The intermediate CA cert is in: /root/.acme.sh/learn-php-app-0605-prod.wangqiang.store/ca.cer [Thu Jun 15 05:07:44 PM CST 2023] And the full chain certs is there: /root/.acme.sh/learn-php-app-0605-prod.wangqiang.store/fullchain.cer Do you want to add hotlink protection? [y/n]: y Allow Rewrite rule? [y/n]: y Please input the rewrite of programme : wordpress,opencart,magento2,drupal,joomla,codeigniter,laravel thinkphp,pathinfo,discuz,typecho,ecshop,nextcloud,zblog,whmcs rewrite was exist. (Default rewrite: other): laravel You choose rewrite=laravel Allow Nginx/Tengine/OpenResty access_log? [y/n]: y You access log file=/data/wwwlogs/learn-php-app-0605-prod.wangqiang.store_nginx.log nginx: the configuration file /usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf syntax is ok nginx: configuration file /usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf test is successful Reload Nginx...... ####################################################################### # OneinStack for CentOS/RedHat 7+ Debian 9+ and Ubuntu 16+ # # For more information please visit https://oneinstack.com # ####################################################################### Your domain: learn-php-app-0605-prod.wangqiang.store Virtualhost conf: /usr/local/nginx/conf/vhost/learn-php-app-0605-prod.wangqiang.store.conf Directory of: /data/wwwroot/learn-php-app-0605-prod.shuijingwanwq.com Rewrite rule: /usr/local/nginx/conf/rewrite/laravel.conf Let's Encrypt SSL Certificate:/usr/local/nginx/conf/ssl/learn-php-app-0605-prod.wangqiang.store.crt SSL Private Key: /usr/local/nginx/conf/ssl/learn-php-app-0605-prod.wangqiang.store.key
5、按需编辑 Nginx 配置文件后,重启 Nginx 服务。
[root@iZ23wv7v5ggZ ~]# vi /usr/local/nginx/conf/vhost/learn-php-app-0605-prod.wangqiang.store.conf [root@iZ23wv7v5ggZ ~]# service nginx restart Redirecting to /bin/systemctl restart nginx.service
6、打开:https://learn-php-app-0605-prod.wangqiang.store/robots.txt 。确认域名已经切换成功。如图3