/** * Execute the console command. * * @return mixed */ public function handle() { $startTime = time(); $this->line('同步付款方式到选项'); $now = Carbon::now(); // 上一次的执行时间 // $lastTime = Carbon::now(); $builder = Model::query() ->select('payment_type') ->where('table.created_at_gmt', '<', $now) ->distinct(); if (!empty($lastTime)) { $builder->where('table.created_at_gmt', '>=', $now); } $paymentTypes = $builder->pluck('payment_type')->filter()->unique()->toArray(); print_r($paymentTypes);exit; $endTime = time(); Log::info("同步付款方式到选项; time:" . Carbon::now('GMT+8')->toDateTimeString() . ' 耗时:' . $endTime - $startTime . '秒'); $this->line('同步完成' . ' 耗时:' . $endTime - $startTime . '秒'); return Command::SUCCESS; }
3、查看生成的 SQL
select distinct `payment_type` from `table` where `table`.`created_at_gmt` < '2024-09-12 02:56:29'
4、打印出 $paymentTypes,结果符合预期。
Array ( [1] => PP [2] => credit [3] => payssion [4] => 网上支付 [5] => 1 [6] => 21 [7] => paypal_cluster_rest [8] => asiabill [9] => nspayment_local [10] => worldpay [11] => paypal_rest [12] => srpay [13] => nspayment [14] => 1000 [15] => worldpay_googlepay )
5、先尝试设置当前时间为 6 个月前,最终代码实现如下
private string $cachedLastTimeKey = 'table:sync-payment-type-to-option:last_time'; /** * Execute the console command. * * @return mixed */ public function handle() { $startTime = time(); $this->line('同步付款方式到选项'); $now = Carbon::now()->subMonths(3); $optionRepository = app(IOptionRepository::class); $title = 'payment_types'; // 选项中的付款方式 $optionPaymentType = $optionRepository->fetchBy(['title' => $title]); // 上一次的执行时间 $lastTime = Cache::store('redis')->get($this->cachedLastTimeKey); $builder = Model::query() ->select('payment_type') ->where('table.created_at_gmt', '<', $now) ->distinct(); if (isset($lastTime)) { $builder->where('table.created_at_gmt', '>=', $lastTime); } $paymentTypes = $builder->pluck('payment_type')->filter()->unique()->values()->all(); if (!empty($optionPaymentType)) { // 获取两个数组的并集 $optionPaymentTypes = array_values(array_unique(array_merge($optionPaymentType->value, $paymentTypes))); } else { $optionPaymentTypes = $paymentTypes; } $optionRepository->updateOrCreateOptionBy(['title' => $title], ['value' => $optionPaymentTypes]); Cache::store('redis')->put($this->cachedLastTimeKey, $now->toDateTimeString()); $endTime = time(); Log::info("同步付款方式到选项; time:" . Carbon::now('GMT+8')->toDateTimeString() . ' 耗时:' . $endTime - $startTime . '秒'); $this->line('同步完成' . ' 耗时:' . $endTime - $startTime . '秒'); return Command::SUCCESS; }
select * from `options` where `title` = 'payment_types' limit 1; select distinct `payment_type` from `table` where `table`.`created_at_gmt` < '2024-03-12 05:59:02'; select * from `options` where `title` = 'payment_types' limit 1; insert into `options` (`title`, `value`) values ( 'payment_type', '[\"PP\",\"credit\",\"payssion\",\"\u7f51\u4e0a\u652f\u4ed8\",\"1\",\"21\",\"paypal_cluster_rest\",\"asiabill\",\"nspayment_local\",\"worldpay\",\"paypal_rest\",\"srpay\",\"nspayment\",\"1000\",\"worldpay_googlepay\"]' );
6、再尝试设置当前时间为 3 个月前,第2次执行同步命令,执行的 SQL 如下。符合预期。
$now = Carbon::now()->subMonths(3);
select * from `options` where `title` = 'payment_types' limit 1; select distinct `payment_type` from `table` where `table`.`created_at_gmt` < '2024-06-12 06:00:50' and `table`.`created_at_gmt` >= '2024-03-12 05:59:02'; select * from `options` where `title` = 'payment_types' limit 1; update `options` set `value` = '[\"PP\",\"credit\",\"payssion\",\"\u7f51\u4e0a\u652f\u4ed8\",\"1\",\"21\",\"paypal_cluster_rest\",\"asiabill\",\"nspayment_local\",\"worldpay\",\"paypal_rest\",\"srpay\",\"nspayment\",\"1000\",\"worldpay_googlepay\"]' where `id` = 75;
6、再尝试设置当前时间为现在,第3次执行同步命令,执行的 SQL 如下。符合预期。如图1
$now = Carbon::now();
select * from `options` where `title` = 'payment_types' limit 1; select distinct `payment_type` from `table` where `table`.`created_at_gmt` < '2024-09-12 06:04:35' and `table`.`created_at_gmt` >= '2024-06-12 06:00:50'; select * from `options` where `title` = 'payment_types' limit 1; update `options` set `value` = '[\"PP\",\"credit\",\"payssion\",\"\u7f51\u4e0a\u652f\u4ed8\",\"1\",\"21\",\"paypal_cluster_rest\",\"asiabill\",\"nspayment_local\",\"worldpay\",\"paypal_rest\",\"srpay\",\"nspayment\",\"1000\",\"worldpay_googlepay\",\"paypal\",\"stripe\"]' where `id` = 75;