在 Laravel 6 中,请求的参数为空字符串,后端保存为 null 的排查分析
{ "image": null, "align": "center", "title": "Image with text overlay", "description": "Use overlay text to give your customers insight into your brand. Select imagery and text that relates to your style and story.", "button": { "text": "Shop Now", "url_object": { "ID": 1, "children": [], "key": 3944, "object": "home", "object_id": 1, "title": "Home", "url": "/" }, "url": "/" }, "text_color": "#fff", "button_text_color": "#000", "button_background_color": "#fff", "show_overlay": false, "opacity": 0 }
2、后端保存后,title 的值为 null 。
{ "image": null, "align": "center", "title": null, "description": "Use overlay text to give your customers insight into your brand. Select imagery and text that relates to your style and story.", "button": { "text": "Shop Now", "url_object": { "ID": 1, "children": [], "key": 3944, "object": "home", "object_id": 1, "title": "Home", "url": "/" }, "url": "/" }, "text_color": "#fff", "button_text_color": "#000", "button_background_color": "#fff", "show_overlay": false, "opacity": 0 }
3、在后端打印所有请求参数,var_dump($request->all());。确认 title 的值已经被转换为 null。如图2
4、参考:https://learnku.com/docs/laravel/6.x/validation/5144#6633ca 。默认情况下,在 Laravel 应用的全局中间件堆栈 App\Http\Kernel 类中包含了 ConvertEmptyStringsToNull 中间件。此中间件会将空字符串转换为 Null。
5、但是,如果贸然删除掉此中间件,担心其他功能会受到影响,影响范围很难评估。查看 ConvertEmptyStringsToNull 的实现
/** * Transform the given value. * * @param string $key * @param mixed $value * @return mixed */ protected function transform($key, $value) { return is_string($value) && $value === '' ? null : $value; }
6、决定反向转换,在响应给前端时,判断是否为 null ,如果是,则转换为空字符串。最终决定使用 NULL 合并运算符。
// is_null($item['title']) ? '' : $item['title']; $item['title'] ?? '';