在 TortoiseGit 中推送至 GitHub 时报错:Failed to connect to github.com port 443 after 21049 ms: Timed out
1、在 TortoiseGit 中推送至 GitHub 时报错:fatal: unable to access ‘https://github.com/shuijingwan/refactoring.git/’: Failed to connect to github.com port 443 after 21049 ms: Timed out。如图1
git.exe push --progress "origin" main:main fatal: unable to access 'https://github.com/shuijingwan/refactoring.git/': Failed to connect to github.com port 443 after 21049 ms: Timed out git 未能顺利结束 (退出码 128) (21344 ms @ 2022/7/5 21:48:51)
2、在推送界面,取消勾选 自动加载 Putty 密钥(A)。如图2