编写 Lighthouse 5 的自动化测试用例,要在查询中使用变量时,报错:Syntax Error: Expected Name, found $,进而 Failed asserting that an array has the subset Array
1、参考网址:https://lighthouse-php.com/4/testing/phpunit.html#setup ,使用 PHPUnit 进行测试。在 Lighthouse 中,通过 PHPUnit 添加自动化测试是很容易的。
2、运行 GraphQL Query API,响应 200。主要测试字段:themeAssets 的响应。如图1
3、编辑 /Modules/ThemeStore/Tests/Functional/GraphQl/OnlineStoreThemeGraphQlApiTest.php ,代码如下
<?php namespace Modules\ThemeStore\Tests\Functional\GraphQl; use Nuwave\Lighthouse\Testing\MakesGraphQLRequests; use Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\TestCase as BaseTestCase; use Nuwave\Lighthouse\Testing\ClearsSchemaCache; use Tests\CreatesApplication; class OnlineStoreThemeGraphQlApiTest extends BaseTestCase { use CreatesApplication, ClearsSchemaCache, MakesGraphQLRequests; public function testGetThemeById(): void { $response = $this->graphQL(' { query GetThemeById($id: ID!) { onlineStoreTheme(themeId: $id) { id editable createdAt name } } } ', [ 'id' => 'vogue', ] ); $response->assertJson([ 'data' => [ 'onlineStoreTheme' => [ 'id' => 'vogue' ], ], ]); } protected function setUp(): void { parent::setUp(); $this->bootClearsSchemaCache(); } }
4、执行命令:./vendor/bin/phpunit .\Modules\ThemeStore\Tests\Functional\GraphQl\OnlineStoreThemeGraphQlApiTest.php 。报错:Failed asserting that an array has the subset Array 。如图2
PS E:\wwwroot\object> ./vendor/bin/phpunit .\Modules\ThemeStore\Tests\Functional\GraphQl\OnlineStoreThemeGraphQlApiTest.php PHPUnit 7.5.20 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors. F 1 / 1 (100%) Time: 919 ms, Memory: 56.00 MB There was 1 failure: 1) Modules\ThemeStore\Tests\Functional\GraphQl\OnlineStoreThemeGraphQlApiTest::testGetThemeById Unable to find JSON: [{ "data": { "onlineStoreTheme": { "id": "vogue" } } }] within response JSON: [{ "errors": [ { "message": "Syntax Error: Expected Name, found $", "extensions": { "category": "graphql" }, "locations": [ { "line": 3, "column": 36 } ] } ] }]. Failed asserting that an array has the subset Array &0 ( 'data' => Array &1 ( 'onlineStoreTheme' => Array &2 ( 'id' => 'vogue' ) ) ). --- Expected +++ Actual @@ @@ ), ), ), - 'data' => - array ( - 'onlineStoreTheme' => - array ( - 'id' => 'vogue', - ), - ), ) E:\wwwroot\object\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\Assert.php:108 E:\wwwroot\object\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\TestResponse.php:479 E:\wwwroot\object\Modules\ThemeStore\Tests\Functional\GraphQl\OnlineStoreThemeGraphQlApiTest.php:38 phpvfscomposer://E:\wwwroot\object\vendor\phpunit\phpunit\phpunit:60 FAILURES! Tests: 1, Assertions: 1, Failures: 1. PS E:\wwwroot\object>
5、根源在于 响应 与 手动发送请求的响应不一致所导致。决定先编写一个不带参数的测试用例。/tests/Feature/PostsGraphQlApiTest.php
<?php namespace Tests\Feature; use Nuwave\Lighthouse\Testing\MakesGraphQLRequests; use Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\TestCase as BaseTestCase; use Nuwave\Lighthouse\Testing\ClearsSchemaCache; use Tests\CreatesApplication; use App\Models\Post; class PostsGraphQlApiTest extends BaseTestCase { use CreatesApplication, ClearsSchemaCache, MakesGraphQLRequests; public function testQueriesPosts(): void { $post = Post::factory()->create(); $response = $this->graphQL(' { posts { id title content } } '); $response->assertJson([ 'data' => [ 'posts' => [ [ 'id' => $post->id, 'title' => $post->title, 'content' => $post->content, ] ], ], ]); } protected function setUp(): void { parent::setUp(); $this->bootClearsSchemaCache(); } }
6、运行测试:./vendor/bin/phpunit .\tests\Feature\PostsGraphQlApiTest.php ,报错:Failed asserting that an array has the subset Array。但是响应确定是 JSON 的结构的,只不过未匹配上第一个元素。如图3
{ "id": "104", "title": "Tenetur id labore dolores aperiam.", it vel ut corrupti repellat quaerat. Et eos exercitationem voluptatem ut." }, { "id": "105", "title": "Incidunt nulla libero officia aliquam dolor ut.", "content": "Molestiae harum velit numquam atque qui consequatur quam. Et sequi voluptatem sunt. Nemo et quo quod consequuntur. Quis eos consequatur recusandae in doloribus rerum odit odio." } ] } }]. Failed asserting that an array has the subset Array &0 ( 'data' => Array &1 ( 'posts' => Array &2 ( 0 => Array &3 ( 'id' => 105 'title' => 'Incidunt nulla libero officia aliquam dolor ut.' 'content' => 'Molestiae harum velit numquam atque qui consequatur quam. Et sequi voluptatem sunt. Nemo et quo quod consequuntur. Quis eos consequatur recusandae in doloribus rerum odit odio.' ) ) ) ). --- Expected +++ Actual array ( 0 => array ( - 'id' => 105, - 'title' => 'Incidunt nulla libero officia aliquam dolor ut.', - 'content' => 'Molestiae harum velit numquam atque qui consequatur quam. Et sequi voluptatem sunt. Nemo et quo quod consequuntur. Quis eos consequatur recusandae in doloribus rerum odit odio.', + 'id' => '1', + 'title' => 'Optio earum deserunt fuga qui quia hic.', + 'content' => 'Fuga molestiae quis sit quis maiores et. Amet eveniet sint quidem deleniti voluptas necessitatibus. Aut aut voluptatibus ut maiores doloremque eos totam.', ), 1 => array ( E:\wwwroot\lighthouse-tutorial\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Testing\Constraints\ArraySubset.php:85 E:\wwwroot\lighthouse-tutorial\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Testing\Assert.php:40 E:\wwwroot\lighthouse-tutorial\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Testing\AssertableJsonString.php:273 E:\wwwroot\lighthouse-tutorial\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Testing\TestResponse.php:695 E:\wwwroot\lighthouse-tutorial\tests\Feature\PostsGraphQlApiTest.php:36 phpvfscomposer://E:\wwwroot\lighthouse-tutorial\vendor\phpunit\phpunit\phpunit:97 FAILURES! Tests: 1, Assertions: 1, Failures: 1.
7、获取 $posts 数组的最后一个键值,然后匹配成功。运行测试通过。如图4
<?php namespace Tests\Feature; use Nuwave\Lighthouse\Testing\MakesGraphQLRequests; use Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\TestCase as BaseTestCase; use Nuwave\Lighthouse\Testing\ClearsSchemaCache; use Tests\CreatesApplication; use App\Models\Post; class PostsGraphQlApiTest extends BaseTestCase { use CreatesApplication, ClearsSchemaCache, MakesGraphQLRequests; public function testQueriesPosts(): void { $post = Post::factory()->create(); $response = $this->graphQL(' { posts { id title content } } '); $responsePosts = $response->json("data.posts"); $lastKey = array_key_last($responsePosts); $response->assertJson([ 'data' => [ 'posts' => [ $lastKey => [ 'id' => $post->id, 'title' => $post->title, 'content' => $post->content, ] ], ], ]); } protected function setUp(): void { parent::setUp(); $this->bootClearsSchemaCache(); } }
PS E:\wwwroot\lighthouse-tutorial> ./vendor/bin/phpunit .\tests\Feature\PostsGraphQlApiTest.php PHPUnit 9.5.11 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors. . 1 / 1 (100%) Time: 00:00.434, Memory: 38.00 MB OK (1 test, 1 assertion) PS E:\wwwroot\lighthouse-tutorial>
PS E:\wwwroot\lighthouse-tutorial> ./vendor/bin/phpunit .\tests\Feature\UsersGraphQlApiTest.php PHPUnit 9.5.11 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors. Illuminate\Testing\TestResponse Object ( [baseResponse] => Illuminate\Http\Response Object ( [headers] => Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\ResponseHeaderBag Object ( [computedCacheControl:protected] => Array ( [no-cache] => 1 [private] => 1 ) [cookies:protected] => Array ( ) [headerNames:protected] => Array ( [cache-control] => Cache-Control [date] => Date [content-type] => Content-Type ) [headers:protected] => Array ( [cache-control] => Array ( [0] => no-cache, private ) [date] => Array ( [0] => Thu, 20 Jan 2022 06:33:46 GMT ) [content-type] => Array ( [0] => application/json ) ) [cacheControl:protected] => Array ( ) ) [content:protected] => {"errors":[{"message":"Syntax Error: Expected Name, found $","extensions":{"category":"graphql"},"locations":[{"line":3,"column":36}]}]} [version:protected] => 1.1 [statusCode:protected] => 200 [statusText:protected] => OK [charset:protected] => [original] => Array ( [errors] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [message] => Syntax Error: Expected Name, found $ [extensions] => Array ( [category] => graphql ) [locations] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [line] => 3 [column] => 36 ) ) ) ) ) [exception] => ) [exceptions:protected] => Illuminate\Testing\LoggedExceptionCollection Object ( [items:protected] => Array ( ) [escapeWhenCastingToString:protected] => ) [streamedContent:protected] => ) PS E:\wwwroot\lighthouse-tutorial>
public function testGetThemeById(): void { $response = $this->graphQL(' query GetThemeById($id: ID!) { onlineStoreTheme(themeId: $id) { id editable createdAt name } } ', [ 'id' => 'vogue', ] ); $response->assertJson([ 'data' => [ 'onlineStoreTheme' => [ 'id' => 'vogue' ], ], ]); }
PS E:\wwwroot\object> ./vendor/bin/phpunit .\Modules\ThemeStore\Tests\Functional\GraphQl\OnlineStoreThemeGraphQlApiTest.php PHPUnit 7.5.20 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors. . 1 / 1 (100%) Time: 1.69 seconds, Memory: 60.00 MB OK (1 test, 1 assertion) PS E:\wwwroot\object>