在 Yii 2.0 中,表结构存在多重关联(同一关联字段存在于多张表中)时,基于 ActiveDataFilter 查询过滤的实现
1、主表:cpa_channel_app_task 与 附表:cpa_task 的关联关系:多对一。如图1
2、表:cpa_task 与 表:cpa_baijia_article|cpa_customize_article|cpa_douyin_article|cpa_netease_article|cpa_qq_article|cpa_weibo_article|cpa_wx_article 的关联关系:一对一。表:cpa_task 中的一条记录仅会存在于 表:cpa_baijia_article|cpa_customize_article|cpa_douyin_article|cpa_netease_article|cpa_qq_article|cpa_weibo_article|cpa_wx_article 的其中一张表中。如图2、图3、图4
3、表:cpa_baijia_article|cpa_customize_article|cpa_douyin_article|cpa_netease_article|cpa_qq_article|cpa_weibo_article|cpa_wx_article 与 表:cpa_article_type 的关联关系:多对一。如图5、图6、图7
4、现阶段的需求:通过 表:cpa_article_type 的字段:code 查询 主表:cpa_channel_app_task 的数据。如图8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 | <?php namespace common\logics; use Yii; use yii\base\Model; /** * ChannelAppTaskSearch represents the model behind the search form about `common\logics\ChannelAppTask`. * * @author Qiang Wang <shuijingwanwq@163.com> * @since 1.0 */ class ChannelAppTaskSearch extends Model { public $group_id ; public $task_group_uuid ; public $channel_code ; public $channel_type_code ; public $type ; public $source ; public $source_uuid ; public $source_pub_user_id ; public $channel_app_source_uuid ; public $baijia_article_type_code ; public $customize_article_type_code ; public $douyin_article_type_code ; public $netease_article_type_code ; public $qq_article_type_code ; public $weibo_article_type_code ; public $wx_article_type_code ; public $status ; public $article_title ; public $article_author ; public $article_content ; public $source_article_id ; public $created_at ; /** * @inheritdoc */ public function rules() { return [ [[ 'status' , 'source_article_id' , 'created_at' ], 'integer' ], [[ 'group_id' , 'channel_code' , 'channel_type_code' , 'type' , 'article_content' , 'source' , 'baijia_article_type_code' , 'customize_article_type_code' , 'douyin_article_type_code' , 'netease_article_type_code' , 'qq_article_type_code' , 'weibo_article_type_code' , 'wx_article_type_code' ], 'string' , 'max' => 32], [[ 'task_group_uuid' , 'source_uuid' , 'source_pub_user_id' , 'channel_app_source_uuid' , 'article_author' ], 'string' , 'max' => 64], [[ 'article_title' ], 'string' , 'max' => 255], [[ 'channel_code' ], 'in' , 'range' => Channel::find()->select( 'code' )->where([ 'is_deleted' => Channel::IS_DELETED_NO])->asArray()->column()], [[ 'channel_type_code' ], 'in' , 'range' => ChannelType::find()->select( 'code' )->where([ 'is_deleted' => ChannelType::IS_DELETED_NO])->asArray()->column()], [[ 'type' ], 'in' , 'range' => [Task::TYPE_PREVIEW, Task::TYPE_PUB, Task::TYPE_REVOKE]], [[ 'status' ], 'in' , 'range' => [ChannelAppTask::STATUS_DISABLED, ChannelAppTask::STATUS_WAIT_PUBLISH, ChannelAppTask::STATUS_PUBLISH, ChannelAppTask::STATUS_PUBLISH_ERROR, ChannelAppTask::STATUS_PLATFORM_REVIEW, ChannelAppTask::STATUS_PLATFORM_PUBLISH, ChannelAppTask::STATUS_PLATFORM_PUBLISHED, ChannelAppTask::STATUS_PLATFORM_UNPUBLISHED, ChannelAppTask::STATUS_PLATFORM_OFFLINE, ChannelAppTask::STATUS_PLATFORM_DELETED]], [[ 'baijia_article_type_code' , 'customize_article_type_code' , 'douyin_article_type_code' , 'netease_article_type_code' , 'qq_article_type_code' , 'weibo_article_type_code' , 'wx_article_type_code' ], 'in' , 'range' => ArticleType::find()->select( 'code' )->where([ 'is_deleted' => ArticleType::IS_DELETED_NO])->asArray()->column()], ]; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function attributeLabels() { return [ 'group_id' => Yii::t( 'model/channel-app-task-search' , 'Group ID' ), 'task_group_uuid' => Yii::t( 'model/channel-app-task-search' , 'Task Group Uuid' ), 'channel_code' => Yii::t( 'model/channel-app-task-search' , 'Channel Code' ), 'channel_type_code' => Yii::t( 'model/channel-app-task-search' , 'Channel Type Code' ), 'type' => Yii::t( 'model/channel-app-task-search' , 'Type' ), 'source' => Yii::t( 'model/channel-app-task-search' , 'Source' ), 'source_uuid' => Yii::t( 'model/channel-app-task-search' , 'Source Uuid' ), 'source_pub_user_id' => Yii::t( 'model/channel-app-task-search' , 'Source Pub User ID' ), 'channel_app_source_uuid' => Yii::t( 'model/channel-app-task-search' , 'Channel App Source Uuid' ), 'status' => Yii::t( 'model/channel-app-task-search' , 'Status' ), 'baijia_article_type_code' => Yii::t( 'model/channel-app-task-search' , 'Baijia Article Type Code' ), 'customize_article_type_code' => Yii::t( 'model/channel-app-task-search' , 'Customize Article Type Code' ), 'douyin_article_type_code' => Yii::t( 'model/channel-app-task-search' , 'Douyin Article Type Code' ), 'netease_article_type_code' => Yii::t( 'model/channel-app-task-search' , 'Netease Article Type Code' ), 'qq_article_type_code' => Yii::t( 'model/channel-app-task-search' , 'Qq Article Type Code' ), 'weibo_article_type_code' => Yii::t( 'model/channel-app-task-search' , 'Weibo Article Type Code' ), 'wx_article_type_code' => Yii::t( 'model/channel-app-task-search' , 'Wx Article Type Code' ), 'article_title' => Yii::t( 'model/channel-app-task-search' , 'Article Title' ), 'article_author' => Yii::t( 'model/channel-app-task-search' , 'Article Author' ), 'article_content' => Yii::t( 'model/channel-app-task-search' , 'Article Content' ), 'source_article_id' => Yii::t( 'model/channel-app-task-search' , 'Source Article ID' ), 'created_at' => Yii::t( 'model/channel-app-task-search' , 'Created At' ), ]; } } |
6、编辑方法文件:/api/rests/channel_app_task/IndexAction.php,配置 attributeMap,分别设置表:cpa_baijia_article|cpa_customize_article|cpa_douyin_article|cpa_netease_article|cpa_qq_article|cpa_weibo_article|cpa_wx_article 的关联表:cpa_article_type 的别名:baijia_article_type|customize_article_type|douyin_article_type|netease_article_type|qq_article_type|weibo_article_type|wx_article_type。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 | <?php /** * @link http://www.yiiframework.com/ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 Yii Software LLC * @license http://www.yiiframework.com/license/ */ namespace api\rests\channel_app_task; use Yii; use api\models\PubLog; use api\models\Task; use api\models\ChannelAppTask; use api\services\CmcApiGroupService; use yii\base\InvalidConfigException; use yii\data\DataFilter; use yii\data\ActiveDataProvider; use yii\helpers\ArrayHelper; use yii\web\UnprocessableEntityHttpException; use yii\web\HttpException; use yii\web\ServerErrorHttpException; /** * 获取渠道的应用的任务列表:/channel-app-tasks(channel-app-task/index) * * For more details and usage information on IndexAction, see the [guide channel_app_task on rest controllers](guide:rest-controllers). * * @author Qiang Wang <shuijingwanwq@163.com> * @since 1.0 */ class IndexAction extends \yii\rest\IndexAction { public $dataFilter = [ 'class' => 'yii\data\ActiveDataFilter' , 'searchModel' => 'api\models\ChannelAppTaskSearch' , 'attributeMap' => [ 'group_id' => '{{%task}}.[[group_id]]' , 'task_group_uuid' => '{{%channel_app_task}}.[[task_group_uuid]]' , 'channel_code' => '{{%channel_app_task}}.[[channel_code]]' , 'channel_type_code' => '{{%channel_app_task}}.[[channel_type_code]]' , 'type' => '{{%task}}.[[type]]' , 'source' => '{{%task}}.[[source]]' , 'source_uuid' => '{{%task}}.[[source_uuid]]' , 'source_pub_user_id' => '{{%task}}.[[source_pub_user_id]]' , 'channel_app_source_uuid' => '{{%channel_app_task}}.[[channel_app_source_uuid]]' , 'status' => '{{%channel_app_task}}.[[status]]' , 'article_type_code' => '{{%article_type}}.[[code]]' , 'baijia_article_type_code' => 'baijia_article_type.[[code]]' , 'customize_article_type_code' => 'customize_article_type.[[code]]' , 'douyin_article_type_code' => 'douyin_article_type.[[code]]' , 'netease_article_type_code' => 'netease_article_type.[[code]]' , 'qq_article_type_code' => 'qq_article_type.[[code]]' , 'weibo_article_type_code' => 'weibo_article_type.[[code]]' , 'wx_article_type_code' => 'wx_article_type.[[code]]' , 'created_at' => '{{%channel_app_task}}.[[created_at]]' , ], ]; /** * Prepares the data provider that should return the requested collection of the models. * @return mixed|object|ActiveDataProvider|DataFilter|null * @throws HttpException * @throws InvalidConfigException if the configuration is invalid. * @throws ServerErrorHttpException * @throws UnprocessableEntityHttpException */ protected function prepareDataProvider() { $requestParams = Yii:: $app ->getRequest()->getQueryParams(); $filter = null; if ( $this ->dataFilter !== null) { $this ->dataFilter = Yii::createObject( $this ->dataFilter); if ( $this ->dataFilter->load( $requestParams )) { $filter = $this ->dataFilter->build(); if ( $filter === false) { $firstError = '' ; foreach ( $this ->dataFilter->getFirstErrors() as $message ) { $firstError = $message ; break ; } throw new UnprocessableEntityHttpException(Yii::t( 'error' , Yii::t( 'error' , Yii::t( 'error' , '226013' ), [ 'first_error' => $firstError ])), 226013); } } } if ( $this ->prepareDataProvider !== null) { return call_user_func( $this ->prepareDataProvider, $this , $filter ); } // 获取租户ID列表(二维数组,场景:筛选数据时,添加默认条件:租户ID仅限于当前租户ID|其所管辖的下级租户ID) $groupListTwo = CmcApiGroupService::getGroupListTwo(Yii:: $app ->params[ 'groupId' ], 'group_sub_tree' , '1' ); $groupIds = ArrayHelper::getColumn( $groupListTwo , 'group_id' ); /* @var $modelClass ChannelAppTask */ $modelClass = $this ->modelClass; $query = $modelClass ::find() ->select([ $modelClass ::tableName() . '.*' , Task::tableName() . '.group_id' , Task::tableName() . '.type' , Task::tableName() . '.source' , Task::tableName() . '.source_uuid' , Task::tableName() . '.source_pub_user_id' , Task::tableName() . '.source_callback_url' , 'pub_log_code' => PubLog::tableName() . '.code' , 'pub_log_message' => PubLog::tableName() . '.message' , ]) ->joinWith([ 'task.baijiaArticle.articleType baijia_article_type' ], true) ->joinWith([ 'task.customizeArticle.articleType customize_article_type' ], true) ->joinWith([ 'task.douyinArticle.articleType douyin_article_type' ], true) ->joinWith([ 'task.neteaseArticle.articleType netease_article_type' ], true) ->joinWith([ 'task.qqArticle.articleType qq_article_type' ], true) ->joinWith([ 'task.weiboArticle.articleType weibo_article_type' ], true) ->joinWith([ 'task.wxArticle.articleType wx_article_type' ], true) ->joinWith([ 'pubLog' ], false) ->where([ $modelClass ::tableName() . '.is_deleted' => ChannelAppTask::IS_DELETED_NO, Task::tableName() . '.is_deleted' => Task::IS_DELETED_NO, PubLog::tableName() . '.is_deleted' => PubLog::IS_DELETED_NO, $modelClass ::tableName() . '.status' => ChannelAppTask::STATUS_PLATFORM_PUBLISHED, ]) ->andWhere([ 'in' , Task::tableName() . '.group_id' , $groupIds ]) ->asArray(); if (! empty ( $filter )) { $query ->andFilterWhere( $filter ); } return Yii::createObject([ 'class' => ActiveDataProvider::className(), 'query' => $query , 'pagination' => [ 'params' => $requestParams , ], 'sort' => [ 'params' => $requestParams , ], ]); } } |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 | <?php /** * @link http://www.yiiframework.com/ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 Yii Software LLC * @license http://www.yiiframework.com/license/ */ namespace api\rests\channel_app_task; use Yii; use api\models\Channel; use api\services\CmcApiGroupService; use yii\data\DataProviderInterface; use yii\helpers\ArrayHelper; /** * Serializer converts resource objects and collections into array representation. * * Serializer is mainly used by REST controllers to convert different objects into array representation * so that they can be further turned into different formats, such as JSON, XML, by response formatters. * * The default implementation handles resources as [[Model]] objects and collections as objects * implementing [[DataProviderInterface]]. You may override [[serialize()]] to handle more types. * * @author Qiang Wang <shuijingwanwq@163.com> * @since 1.0 */ class Serializer extends \yii\rest\Serializer { /** * Serializes a data provider. * @param DataProviderInterface $dataProvider * @return array the array representation of the data provider. */ protected function serializeDataProvider( $dataProvider ) { if ( $this ->preserveKeys) { $models = $dataProvider ->getModels(); } else { $models = array_values ( $dataProvider ->getModels()); } $models = $this ->serializeModels( $models ); if (( $pagination = $dataProvider ->getPagination()) !== false) { $this ->addPaginationHeaders( $pagination ); } if ( $this ->request->getIsHead()) { return null; } elseif ( $this ->collectionEnvelope === null) { return $models ; } $result = [ $this ->collectionEnvelope => $models , ]; /* 查询当前分页的租户列表 */ $cmcApiGroupServiceGroups = []; if (! empty ( $result [ 'items' ])) { $groupIds = ArrayHelper::getColumn( $result [ 'items' ], 'group_id' ); $groupIdsUnique = array_unique ( $groupIds ); // HTTP 请求,获取租户列表(二维数组) $cmcApiGroupServiceGroupList = CmcApiGroupService::getGroupList( $groupIdsUnique ); $cmcApiGroupServiceGroups = $cmcApiGroupServiceGroupList [ 'data' ]; } foreach ( $result [ 'items' ] as $i => $item ) { /* 基于渠道代码重置数据 */ if (in_array( $item [ 'channel_code' ], [Channel::CODE_BAIJIA, Channel::CODE_CUSTOMIZE, Channel::CODE_DOUYIN, Channel::CODE_NETEASE, Channel::CODE_QQ, Channel::CODE_WEIBO, Channel::CODE_WX])) { $result [ 'items' ][ $i ][ 'article_type_id' ] = (int) ArrayHelper::getValue( $item , [ 'task' , $item [ 'channel_code' ] . 'Article' , 'articleType' , 'id' ]); $result [ 'items' ][ $i ][ 'article_type_code' ] = ArrayHelper::getValue( $item , [ 'task' , $item [ 'channel_code' ] . 'Article' , 'articleType' , 'code' ]); $result [ 'items' ][ $i ][ 'article_type_name' ] = ArrayHelper::getValue( $item , [ 'task' , $item [ 'channel_code' ] . 'Article' , 'articleType' , 'name' ]); } else { $result [ 'items' ][ $i ][ 'article_type_id' ] = 0; $result [ 'items' ][ $i ][ 'article_type_code' ] = '' ; $result [ 'items' ][ $i ][ 'article_type_name' ] = '' ; } $result [ 'items' ][ $i ][ 'id' ] = (int) $item [ 'id' ]; $result [ 'items' ][ $i ][ 'task_group_id' ] = (int) $item [ 'task_group_id' ]; $result [ 'items' ][ $i ][ 'channel_id' ] = (int) $item [ 'channel_id' ]; $result [ 'items' ][ $i ][ 'channel_type_id' ] = (int) $item [ 'channel_type_id' ]; $result [ 'items' ][ $i ][ 'channel_app_source_id' ] = (int) $item [ 'channel_app_source_id' ]; $result [ 'items' ][ $i ][ 'task_id' ] = (int) $item [ 'task_id' ]; $result [ 'items' ][ $i ][ 'status' ] = (int) $item [ 'status' ]; $result [ 'items' ][ $i ][ 'is_deleted' ] = (int) $item [ 'is_deleted' ]; $result [ 'items' ][ $i ][ 'created_at' ] = (int) $item [ 'created_at' ]; $result [ 'items' ][ $i ][ 'updated_at' ] = (int) $item [ 'updated_at' ]; $result [ 'items' ][ $i ][ 'deleted_at' ] = (int) $item [ 'deleted_at' ]; // $result['items'][$i]['source_article_id'] = (int) $item['source_article_id']; $result [ 'items' ][ $i ][ 'have_pub_number' ] = (int) $item [ 'have_pub_number' ]; $result [ 'items' ][ $i ][ 'pub_log_code' ] = isset( $item [ 'pub_log_code' ]) ? (int) $item [ 'pub_log_code' ] : 0; $result [ 'items' ][ $i ][ 'pub_log_message' ] = isset( $item [ 'pub_log_message' ]) ? $item [ 'pub_log_message' ] : '' ; $result [ 'items' ][ $i ][ 'group_name' ] = $cmcApiGroupServiceGroups [ $item [ 'group_id' ]][ 'group_name' ] ?? '' ; /* 销毁属性 */ unset( $result [ 'items' ][ $i ][ 'task' ] ); } if ( $pagination !== false) { return [ 'code' => 10000, 'message' => Yii::t( 'success' , '126006' ), 'data' => array_merge ( $result , $this ->serializePagination( $pagination ))]; } return [ 'code' => 10000, 'message' => Yii::t( 'success' , '126006' ), 'data' => $result ]; } } |
8、GET http://api.channel-pub-api.localhost/v1/channel-app-tasks?group_id=c10e87f39873512a16727e17f57456a5&filter[and][0][or][0][baijia_article_type_code]=video&filter[and][0][or][1][customize_article_type_code]=video&filter[and][0][or][2][douyin_article_type_code]=video&filter[and][0][or][3][netease_article_type_code]=video&filter[and][0][or][4][qq_article_type_code]=video&filter[and][0][or][5][weibo_article_type_code]=video&filter[and][0][or][6][wx_article_type_code]=video 。响应数据。如图9
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 | { "code": 10000, "message": "获取渠道的应用的来源列表成功", "data": { "items": [ { "id": 6, "uuid": "76b69c80d14811eab76454ee75d2ebc1", "task_group_id": 0, "task_group_uuid": "", "channel_id": 4, "channel_code": "baijia", "channel_type_id": 5, "channel_type_code": "baijia", "channel_app_source_id": 20, "channel_app_source_uuid": "362d8170d14711eabb5954ee75d2ebc1", "task_id": 6, "have_pub_number": 2, "status": 6, "is_deleted": 0, "created_at": 1595991973, "updated_at": 1595991973, "deleted_at": 0, "group_id": "015ce30b116ce86058fa6ab4fea4ac63", "type": "pub", "source": "spider", "source_uuid": "dc1ec2188c4d8cd91111aa5055439b1q", "source_pub_user_id": "1012", "source_callback_url": "http://wjdev.chinamcloud.com:8609/cms/api/thirdPush/callBack", "pub_log_code": 10000, "pub_log_message": "百家号应用文章发布成功,状态:已发布", "article_type_id": 3, "article_type_code": "video", "article_type_name": "视频", "group_name": "深圳市" }, { "id": 7, "uuid": "89094034d15911ea912f54ee75d2ebc1", "task_group_id": 0, "task_group_uuid": "", "channel_id": 4, "channel_code": "baijia", "channel_type_id": 5, "channel_type_code": "baijia", "channel_app_source_id": 20, "channel_app_source_uuid": "362d8170d14711eabb5954ee75d2ebc1", "task_id": 7, "have_pub_number": 2, "status": 6, "is_deleted": 0, "created_at": 1595999304, "updated_at": 1595999304, "deleted_at": 0, "group_id": "015ce30b116ce86058fa6ab4fea4ac63", "type": "pub", "source": "spider", "source_uuid": "dc1ec2188c4d8cd91111aa5055439b1q", "source_pub_user_id": "1012", "source_callback_url": "http://wjdev.chinamcloud.com:8609/cms/api/thirdPush/callBack", "pub_log_code": 10000, "pub_log_message": "百家号应用文章发布成功,状态:已发布", "article_type_id": 3, "article_type_code": "video", "article_type_name": "视频", "group_name": "深圳市" } ], "_links": { "self": { } }, "_meta": { "totalCount": 2, "pageCount": 1, "currentPage": 1, "perPage": 20 } } } |
9、生成 SQL 语句,符合预期。如图10
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