在 Yii 2 中,更新模型时,当某字段不存在时,不更新模型(默认实现),当某字段存在,其值为空(赋值为属性的旧值)时,不更新模型的实现
1、GET http://api.channel-pub-api.localhost/qq/v1/qq-cw-apps/edit/148d4df6eba311e899f654ee75d2ebc1?group_id=spider ,响应如下,基于安全考虑,重置 Client Secret 为空字符串
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 | { "code": 10000, "message": "编辑企鹅号的内容网站应用成功", "data": { "channel_app_source_uuid": "148d4df6eba311e899f654ee75d2ebc1", "penguin_name": "篮球场马达1", "penguin_login_qq": "3176058386", "penguin_login_wx": "", "client_id": "32deed1727f9a23a504d6dda48938de0", "client_secret": "", "permission": 2, "status": 0 } } |
2、因此,PUT http://api.channel-pub-api.localhost/qq/v1/qq-cw-apps/148d4df6eba311e899f654ee75d2ebc1?group_id=spider 时,如果不更新 client_secret 的值,其值为空字符串
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | { "penguin_name": "篮球场马达1", "penguin_login_qq": "3176058386", "penguin_login_wx": "", "client_id": "32deed1727f9a23a504d6dda48938de0", "client_secret": "", "permission": 2, "status": 0 } |
1 2 3 4 | { "code": 20004, "message": "数据验证失败:Client Secret不能为空。" } |
4、现在需要实现 当 client_secret 的值为空字符串时,不对 client_secret 执行验证,且不更新 client_secret 的值,编辑验证规则
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 | /** * @inheritdoc */ public function rules() { $rules = [ /* 更新企鹅号的内容网站应用 */ [[ 'client_secret' ], 'validateClientSecret' , 'skipOnEmpty' => false, 'on' => self::SCENARIO_UPDATE], [[ 'permission' ], 'in' , 'range' => [self::PERMISSION_SYNC, self::PERMISSION_PUB, self::PERMISSION_SYNC_PUB], 'on' => self::SCENARIO_UPDATE], [[ 'status' ], 'in' , 'range' => [self::STATUS_DISABLED, self::STATUS_ENABLED], 'on' => self::SCENARIO_UPDATE], ]; $parentRules = parent::rules(); return ArrayHelper::merge( $rules , $parentRules ); } /** * Validates the Client Secret. * This method serves as the inline validation for Client Secret. * * @param string $attribute the attribute currently being validated * @param array $params the additional name-value pairs given in the rule */ public function validateClientSecret( $attribute , $params ) { // 当 Client Secret 为空时,赋值 Client Secret 为原先的值 if ( empty ( $this -> $attribute )) { $this -> $attribute = $this ->getOldAttribute( $attribute ); } } |
5、PUT http://api.channel-pub-api.localhost/qq/v1/qq-cw-apps/148d4df6eba311e899f654ee75d2ebc1?group_id=spider 时,贵响应成功,如图2
6、查看 SQL 语句,符合预期,当 client_secret 的值为空字符串时,未更新 client_secret 的值
1 | UPDATE `cpa_qq_cw_app` SET `permission`=1, `updated_at`=1542610618 WHERE `id`=6 |